Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Let me a brief description of this night give,
Cold, dark, quiet but the sound of the wind,
And the trickling drop of the rain kissing the earth,
I believe it's called a drizzle, the
sky's give,

Darkly are the hills which by day will look green,
It's all at the point you see a heart,
That beautiful in joy, can grow dark in
light's absence,
You can chose to see its beauty for what it'll tomorrow become,
Or see in it all the light that before it had been,

And when the wind rustle through these trees,
It's cold and it's beautiful,
Like tiny little fingers plucking at your skin,
You can choose to close your eyes and spread your arms,
And you'll feel as if carried by the passing seas,

Let me this night describe,
Yea I should be asleep,
But then a night as this,
Need to be remembered when sleep is done,
And when she carries me as I know she will,
She has given me the silence I need to carry through the noise of day.

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