Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Let me my night describe,
That you may its wine imbibe,
Let me my night inscribe,
Into the minds of

Or maybe I a tale should tell,
Of sixes and twos, of a merry ring tell,
A story worth tellin with an old church's
And then sleep shall your eyes embrace.

Perhaps i should begin with a "once upon a time",
Or would it be better, if i only sang you a mime,
Let you on the floor lie, as i let go and rhyme?,
But then sleep shall from you be far, as you'll not in my arms lie.

Tell me sweet soul, what shall make you grow,
To let those lids fall and in dreams row?,
Should i your face with kisses grow,
Just hold you there with cuddles and hold?

I'll just sing you a song,
Tell you of the stars and times ago,
Of your clear eyes and grasping hands,
You're yet small, fragile some would say,
But sweet child, as i put you to sleep, i one thing pray;

That though these nights be forgotten when you're grown,
That you remember the love which I've shown.

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