Wednesday, 4 February 2015


You saw her pass,
You could swear you've never seen,
A beauty so tender, so mild,
And you asked, "all my life, where've you

You raced after her,
Told her she reminds you of heaven,
That in her eyes,
You see that she, in your heart has always been.

She smiled,
Said a
mild thank you,
It made your heart flutter, she's forever,
You've finally found that part of you.

You professed love,
She looked at you confused,
"I don't think I'm ready,
I've been hurt before, my heart enough has bled."

You pressed harder,
You promised eternity,
An undying love, "I'll never hurt you",
She's weakened by your raw sincerity.

She believed you,
Accepted you into her scared heart,
Made it your home,
For you, she breathed her very heart beat.

You've finally got her,
Somewhere you knew you're not certain,
Well she's beautiful and all,
But you're not ready to be hers for certain.

You can still gain,
Yeah, she has something to offer for now,
You bleed her body, you bleed her soul,
And the liquid you drain, till her roses bow.

A wilted rose,
She's no more crimson,
It's time to seek a whiter lily,
She sees you're changing, her fears true so soon.

Played her along,
You keep telling her all's well,
You knew it's a lie, didn't you?,
She's given you all her pride, she's a dry well.

It's finally time,
Call her up, "we need to talk",
Tears through her face to your words are flowing,
"It's over between us, I'm taking a walk"

She asked,
"What Have i done?, tell me and I'll amend",
But your mind is made up, you know that,
You've been playing her, you're sorry, but you can't bend.

She's dazed,
What happened to the promises?,
All those words beautifully played?,
"did i just get abandoned again?", she asks.

She's dead,
You killed her again, without a knife, through her drive,
As if her previous deaths hasn't been enough,
You left her asking what wrong she's done to love.

In the morning,
You kneel, and ask for Heaven to bless,
Your path, and for your handwork to bless,
The very same Heaven, her tears fell to in distress.

Night falls,
You ask, why Heaven is silent, why it doesn't talk,
You ask for the whereabouts of love,
And you so soon forget, the day you left love, and took a walk.

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